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Night Vision Goggles Make Air Ambulances More Accessible and Safe

Air ambulance companies across the United States are investing thousands and sometimes millions of dollars on night vision goggles. While a part of this...

Caring for the Victim Before Medical Flight Arrives

Injuries can occur without prior warning, anytime, anywhere. It is a real possibility that you may one day find yourself in a situation where...

How to Book a Medical Flight?

Booking a medical flight can seem like a daunting task, especially in light of the fact that you would be booking an entire airplane...

Air Ambulance Cost – Otero County Sets the Perfect Example

Saying that air ambulance cost is something that most people in the United States dread is stating the obvious. However, Otero County is leading...

Preparing for Medical Flight when Time is On Your Side

A medical flight becomes a necessity when travelling long distances on commercial flights is impossible, owing to the level of care that the patient’s...

Ensuring Medical Air Transport Coverage Beyond Health Insurance

Americans today seem to have a false sense of security thinking that everything related to their medical wellbeing is automatically covered by health insurance....

Six Amazing Facts about Worldwide Air Ambulance Services

We look at worldwide air ambulance services to bring you some facts – some fun and some intriguing; nevertheless, they are all interesting. Fact 1:...

Guide to Handle Medical Air Transport Bills

While medical air transport is, no doubt, a life-saving necessity, the bills that the service generates can be quite shocking in most instances. The...

Choosing the Right Air Ambulance Services

It’s not every time that you get to choose the air ambulance services of your choice – after all emergencies do not knock the...

The Need for Charity Medical Flight Services in the US

The United States of America is among the most expensive countries when it comes to health care. Of course, the quality of health care...

Taking a Medical Flight? Know what ‘Balance Bill’ is

More often than not, we hear about skyrocketing medical flight bills that families are forced to pay. While it is natural for such families...

Do You Have the Mental Build to Be an Air Ambulance Paramedic?

While an air ambulance is extremely important to get the patient the care that he or she deserves right when it is needed, it...