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Understanding the Term ‘Medical Necessity’ in the Context of Medical Flights

One of the most basic criteria for insurances approving and covering costs of medical flights is establishing that there was actually a medical necessity...

Qualifying for Medical Flight Insurance Reimbursements

‘Stringent’ is the word that comes to mind when you think of medical flight insurance coverage norms. Cost reimbursements of medical flights can mean...

Airambulance Guide: Altitude Decompression Sickness

Altitude decompression sickness is not unique to airambulance flights or to patients alone. It is a condition that is generally associated with high altitudes....

Hypoxia – A Condition that Medical Air Transport Personnel Should be Aware of

Literally translated, hypoxia means diminished availability of oxygen to the body, something that is quite common in medical air transport scenarios. However, a pre-existing...

Guide: Medical Flight Stretchers

Not all medical travels warrant a medical flight. When time is in your hand but the treatment for the ailment demands that you travel...

First Aid before the Air Ambulance Arrives

We have mentioned in our guides earlier that the best thing to do is leave patient care to the paramedics or emergency medical professionals...

Workers’ Compensation and Medical Flight Services

Over the past few years, the medical flight services have steadily risen in cost, so much so that the cost has gone up at...

Your Guide to Becoming an Air Medical Transport Pilot

There’s no denying that an air medical transport pilot’s job pays well and is also quite exciting. Responding to emergencies and being amidst action...

Getting Treatment Abroad? Here’s a Worldwide Air Ambulance Checklist

Travelling abroad to get treatment is an option that some people explore, mainly for the sole reason that treatment can be cheaper in some...

How You Can Help if a Medical Flight Lands Near You

You cannot deny the fact that a medical flight landing near your home or workplace can generate some excitement. Naturally, the inquisitive you would...

What are the Limitations of a Medical Flight?

When time is of essence, no other transport is as effective as a medical flight. That said, there are limitations to this mode of...

A Quick Guide to Know US Air Ambulance Industry Better – Frequently Used Terms

There’s a lot happening in the US air ambulance industry at the current time with people opposing high bills, law makers coming up with...