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How Air Ambulance Service Managers can Improve Data Quality


You may have invested in the best EMS software available in the market to maintain your patient records. However, that doesn’t guarantee that your air ambulance service will maintain flawless patient care records. There are several steps that managers need to take that will ensure that your team maintains better data using the equipment and resources you have.

Prioritizing on Training New Air Ambulance Service Hires

When orienting new employees to the service, make sure you include a course that thoroughly covers writing patient care reporting. You should train them on how to input data accurately and pertinently in addition to teaching them how to use your PCR software.

But that’s not enough. Your employees should have a clear understanding of why it’s important to maintain accurate and complete patient care reports. So you should include a few sessions that will help them understand how the quality of their data collection procedure also affects your air ambulance service.

Have Regular Audits throughout the Organization

It’s also crucial that you try to have regular audits throughout your organization to ensure that your employees are complying with your rules and requirements. You should thoroughly go through the patient reports created by each of your employees every few months. And make sure you try to see their reports from different months to ensure that they are being consistent with the quality.

Regular audits of your patient care reports will also help you identify scopes for improving your current process. For example, maybe you have noticed that the report only has the name of the person entering the report. And you think that it would be better to record which of your employees were tending to the patient. So you’ve decided that you should change the report in such a way that everyone’s name is listed.

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