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Hoisting Multiple People on Air Ambulance


Imagine an emergency situation where a cruise ship is stranded in the middle of the ocean with hundreds of people on it. The only way out is an air ambulance service, due to time constraints and the less-than-ideal condition of the ship. However, there is one big challenge. Helicopters can only function one at a time due to turbulence. While multiple choppers can be put into play, only one can hoist people at any given time. That is not the end of it. The hoists that are commonly used are only capable of carrying one person at a time, and it roughly takes about three minutes at a minimum to onboard one person.

How can an Air Ambulance Enhance Hoisting Capacity?

Traditionally, air ambulance helicopters have gone with hoists that are capable of carrying about 500 to 600 pounds of weight at the max. This translates not to more than two people.  Also, often, rescuers have to be on the hoist to assist in the evacuation. This makes the whole process inefficient and time-consuming. However, today, thanks to advances in technology, hoist baskets are being produced. The design and metallurgical expertise make them light and sturdy. These are capable of carrying up to 4,400 pounds and can accommodate up to 15 people at a time.

The Capacity of the Helicopter also Matters

Baskets are available in various capacities. Depending on how powerful the chopper is, an appropriate basket can be chosen. The baskets are approved by the regulatory authorities too. They are considered not only safe but also very comfortable. These baskets are brand named Heli-Baskets and currently are in production. If adopted by the air ambulance industry with open arms, these rescue equipment can change the way hoisting is conducted during rescue missions. They can make the whole exercise cheaper, quick, comfortable, and efficient.

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