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A Compact and Comprehensive Guide on Air Ambulance Service


When availing any kind of medical service, it’s always a good idea to be armed with some knowledge about the service. Even when it comes to medical transportation via air, there are a number of facts and rules patients should know. That’s why we’re going to give you a brief yet comprehensive guide on some important facts about air ambulance service.

Checklist for air ambulance service

When you’re preparing for medical transportation by air, here are a few things you should not forget:

  • It would be of great help to be prepared with most of the basic patient information such as name, height, weight, date of birth, and medical condition. Additionally, you might want to specify details about special requirements such as diet and/or equipment (IV, ventilator, oxygen, etc.).
  • Further, it would be helpful if you can provide other specifics like the patients’ ability to sit or whether they would require a wheelchair or stretcher. This will help the medical team in quickly and efficiently providing appropriate assistance.
  • There are numerous myths surrounding air ambulance coverage, so it would be wise to read up on the facts about insurance coverage for such services. If the patient has health insurance, arrange for copies of insurance card and recent health and physical from a hospital or discharging facility. Also, keep a copy of the “face sheet” of the said hospital or facility.
  • Most medical aircrafts allow only one carry-on suitcase (maximum size 21”) per passenger. If you have any excess baggage beyond this, make sure you communicate with the flight coordinator as the aircraft may not have room to accommodate it.

What about international transfers?

In case of international transfers, when availing air ambulance service, you will need to carry copies of a current non-expired passport, necessary travel documents, and visa for each passenger. For those who don’t have a copy of their passport, you will need to be prepared to provide some personal information. The required information includes full legal name and date of birth along with passport number and expiration date, home address, and place of birth.

While it’s not always easy to arrange for all this in case of emergencies, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. This will ensure that you have a smooth transaction and pleasant experience if you need emergency medical transport service by air.

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